

Evaluation of dynamic walking balance performance using 2-point gait oscillometer in Mt. Fuji Climbing.


井出里香, 東京都立大塚病院 耳鼻咽喉科

Rika Ide, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Tokyo Metropolitan Otsuka Hospital



油井直子, 東京慈恵会医科大学スポーツ・ウェルネスクリニック Naoko Yui,Sports and wellness clinic, The Jikei University Hosoital

照内明良,  鹿屋体育大学大学院 Akira Teruuchi, Graduate School, National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya

山本正嘉, 鹿屋体育大学スポーツ生命科学系  Sports and Life Sciences, National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya 





1) はじめに

高度2500m以上から急性高山病(Acute Mountain Sickness=AMS)が発症するといわれており、AMSの症状にはめまい・ふらつきがあり、これらによる滑落事故は山岳遭難につながる。前回の研究では静止時のバランス機能は高度による変化は認められなかった。今回の研究では体幹2点歩行動揺計を用いて富士登山における歩行時のバランス機能を評価し、AMSの重症度との関連について検討した。


2) 対象・方法

31~58歳の健常者4名(男性2名、女性2名)を対象とした。富士宮ルートより富士登山を行い、富士山5合目登り(2400m)→富士山頂(3776m)到着時→富士山頂(3776m)翌日→富士山5合目下り→平地(新富士駅)において体幹2点歩行動揺計 (MVP-WS2-S:マイクロストーン社)を用いて測定した。

AMSの評価として、LLSによる症状スコアリング、SpO2/心拍数(パルスオキシメーター, SAT-2000)にて測定した。


3) 結果・考察



4) 結論









Background/Aim : Acute mountain sickness(AMS) begin to occur altitude 2500m more and dizziness/lightheadedness are the symptoms of AMS. It might be cause of sliding accident.

Previous research was revealed that the high altitude–induced changes were not observed in static balance performance. This study measured dynamic walking balance performance in Mt. Fuji climbing and investigated the relation between dynamic walking balance performance and severity of AMS. Methods : Dynamic walking balance performance was measured body sway using 2-point gait oscillometer (MVP-WS2-S:Microstone Corp.) that three dimensional gyro sensor attached upper-body trunk and lower-body trunk. Dynamic walking balance performance were measured in 4 healthy person (2males, 2females). Diagnosis and severity 

of AMS were judged using the Lake Louise Scoring system (LLS) and measured SpO2/heart rate using pulse oximeter. Results : There were increased the upper and lower body trunk sway in ascending from 2400m to 3776m. Especially the upper-body trunk lateral sway were increased markedly in dynamic walking balance performance. On the other hand, there were decreased smooth movements in descending from 3776m to 2400m. Also, Lateral symmetry 

in Upper-body trunk were worse and it tends to break the dynamic walking balance performance. It suggested that it may to be factor of sliding down and fall. Conclusions : These findings suggest that walking is need more oxygen than standing, there were clear the influence to dynamic walking balance performance in high altitude. These results indicate that dynamic walking balance performance may be useful the evaluation of the factor of sliding down and fall during mountaineering.